Vysota logistics complex

Year of realization:2020
Area:50 000 m2
ALUTECH Group of Companies representative:ABK-Holding LLC
Effective solution for sustainable use of the complex area
Loading houses are installed at the setting angle of 45 degrees measured to the building and form separate standing loading bays. This decision allowed to save the area of the territory for freight transport maneuvering to more than 35%.

About the object
On the territory there are objects of various scales: from
buildings with an area of 360 sq.m. to large warehouses
terminals classes A, B + with an area of 18,000 sq.m.

complex area
Vysota Logistics Complex is located at the intersection of Yekaterinburg automotive
road and highway "Yekaterinburg - airport "Koltsova". The total area of the complex - is 39 ha.
Building area - 110 000 sq.m.

total area
Solutions realized
SL dock leveller with swing lip for loading bay arrangement
Dock leveller with swing lip of 400 mm is the optimal solution for loading bay arrangement
Dock leveller features:
- withstands load capacity up to 6 tons;
- has 10-year-warranty against through corrosion;
- 2 lift hydraulic cylinders protect the dock leveller from distortion;
- reinforcing plates of the lifting part prevent from the formation of ruts;
- automatic lock of hydraulics protects the load and the loader in the event of a sudden rollback of the truck from the loading bay.
DH Dock houses for cargo protection
Loading bays allow to protect cargo, personnel and warehouse premises against exposure to adverse weather conditions.
Design features:
- two tension cables in the upper part of the dock house ensure rigidity and stability of the construction;
- dock house demountable structure allows assembly without welding, thus it significantly reduces the cost and speeds up maintenance and repair work in case of damage;
- the forward slope of the dock house roof and water gutters provide effective drainage.
DSF dock shelters are to maintain a comfortable temperature during loading
Elastic curtains tightly cover the car body, protecting the cargo against atmospheric precipitation and sharp temperature fluctuations. Docks prevent from drafts, thus reducing the costs for maintenance the required temperature regime inside of the warehouse.
Design features:
- the folding frame of the dock shelter is resistant to damage in case of incorrect parking of the truck;
- for greater wear resistance, the front curtains are made of PVC 3 mm thick with a double reinforcement;
- top and side PVC-coverings are separate spare parts, which reduces the costs and speeds up their replacement in case of damage.
Optional equipment
Steel bright yellow wheel guides and
rubber buffers protect loading equipment
and the facade against accidental damage,
caused by driver error when parking freight
transport to the loading bay.
ProTrend industrial doors for reliable and smooth operation
Doors are characterized by an optimal ratio of the "price-quality" parameter, they are reliable and durable in operation.
Doors features:
- Thermal insulation of ProTrend doors made of 40 mm thick sandwich-panel is equal to that of a 55 cm thick brick wall.
- EPDM-sealants installed along the perimeter of the doors are flexible under low temperatures, do not absorb moist and deform. This ensures reliable tightness of the entire structure;
- adjustable top and side roller brackets ensure tight doors fitting to the opening, enhancing the performance of thermal insulation and tightness.
- In the basic there is a system supplied to protect the door leaf against falling in case of torsion spring breakage or cable break;
- 10 years warranty against through corrosion due to the use of polyurethane coating modified with polyamide particles (PUR-PA).