Soty apartments

Year of realization2019

Glazed area:9000 m2

Height:70 m

Symbolism of the facade

Nineteen-storey residential building 70 meters high with a total glazed area of ​​9,000 m2 became the architectural focal point of the city due to its unique facade, looking at which, the question why such a name has been chosen, disappears by itself. From time immemorial, Bashkirs were engaged in beekeeping, so honey is a classic symbol of the republic. It was this idea that became crucial in the development of the project.

As conceived by the architects of AS-PROJECT Design Institute, the peculiar trait of the house became a glazed facade, visually divided into regular hexagons, reminding bee's honeycombs. It is noteworthy that the hexagon is also an ancient symbol of beauty and harmony. Thus, using only one geometric figure, specialists managed to give a deep and even sacred meaning to the architecture of the object.

We all dream of starting to create in the capital of the republic not only just houses, but architectural sights, buildings with a name, face, history, legend... So that we can have our own "Dancing Houses", as in Prague, our own "Houses of Mila", as in Barcelona... We really hope that Soty Apartments will become one of the first "swallows" of this architectural spring.

Ilshat Baiburin, art director of Paradox Box studio, responsible for the facade design and common areas of Soty Apartments.

From idea to implementation

For a visual assessment of the future appearance of the building, a full-scale sample of a honeycomb was manufactured and assembled by several manufacturers of profile systems at the facility. Some companies offered to make it from the transom of the facade glazing system, others from composite materials. However, the most difficult task was the development of the joint that connects honeycomb edges between themselves, as well as the method of its fixing to the stained-glass window of the building.

Specialists of ALUTECH Group of Companies were the first to offer a solution that fully fit the concept of the project. In particular, AluminTechno promptly developed the optimal version of the joint units, mastered prototypes of profiles and components that allow to produce honeycomb edges.

Thus, at that moment a sample of a honeycomb in full size was hung on the frame of the building under construction. This allowed the architect to be convinced in the viability of his idea and move on to the next stage: defining the actual size and shape of decorative elements.

ALUTECH designers faced the task of placing honeycombs so that they would not violate the integrity of the glazed facade and interfere with windows opening. In addition, it was necessary to provide LED-lighting for decorative elements.

At the same time, the designers of ALUTECH Group of Companies, together with the architect and the customer, needed to fulfill the following tasks:

  • Arrange the honeycombs on the stained-glass windows so that they would not interfere with the opening of window sashes.
  • Minimize the risk of the "whistling" effect that occurs when strong gusts of wind passing through a narrow gap between the decorative element and the facade of the building makes a specific sound.
  • To develop a method for fixing decorative honeycombs without violating the integrity and tightness of the facade.
  • Provide the possibility to install a programmed decorative lighting that attracts the attention of passers-by to the unusual facade at night. At the same time, lighting should not shine in windows of the residents of the house.

    Taking into account all this, it was necessary to change the geometric shape of the honeycomb edges profile for several times from square section 50x50 mm till total 50x250 mm.

As a result, ALUTECH designers worked out and agreed with the customer the following solutions

In order to avoid the “whistle” effect, it was decided to increase the extension of the bracket from glazing system from initial 33 mm to 103 mm. In addition, this solution allows to easily perform facade maintenance and repair works.

Together with the designer of the facade company, a facade covering model with a grid of honeycombs was made at the facility. Taking into account the location of the opening sashes, the optimal cell size has been determined. The formation of hexagons occurs due to the brackets, connecting the louvers to each other — they form an angle of 120 degrees.

In order to securely fix the honeycomb grid to the glazing system, the principle of the fastening element, worked out in ALT SP50 sun-protection louver system. At the same time, a remote-mount bracket has been enlarged up to 195 mm in length for a consistent 103 mm overhang from the plane of the glazing system. Also, the joint unit of the remote-mount bracket for fixing to the mullion has been worked out in detail. The reliability of the solution has been confirmed during mechanical tests.

To implement LED-lighting of decorative elements, a layout scheme of honeycomb edges with three types of profile has been developed — the bearing profile of the honeycomb frame with a pylon cap snapped onto it from the outer end. Inside this cap there are lighting elements. Special caps also help to hide honeycomb fixing joint units on the remote-mount bracket.

Thus, the listed solutions helped to 100% satisfy the wishes of the customer. However, there are a lot of examples when an interesting idea forever remains only a sketch on paper due to the fact that the architect and designer failed to find solutions and technologies for its implementation. Soty Apartments in Ufa were lucky in this regard.

Translucent base

Honeycomb — is the most important detail of the apartments in terms of design. However, a bright idea would not have been fully revealed without a stylish and a harmonious base - a translucent facade, on which decorative elements are attached. Another solution from ALUTECH helped to implement it — ALT F50 Curtain wall system.

In particular, the architect wanted to see a structural curtain wall system on the object — flat and even, without extending by 19 mm classic caps of the stick-built system. Taking into account high cost of structural packages, especially with so large overall dimensions, specialists of ALUTECH Group of Companies offered a compromise. An imitation of structural glazing was implemented at the facility by means of a special decorative clamping profile. The key advantage of this solution was the size of the clamping bar — 50 mm, which reliably fixes a glass unit in a cell of a glazed system. At the same time, visually, the facade seems almost weightless due to a small offset of the profile from glazing plane (no more than 6 mm) and a good selection of aluminium structures color that matches the exterior glass.

As planned by the architect, decorative honeycombs must be fastened to a translucent base — a laconic structural facade without extending elements. This idea was realized thanks to a specially adapted ALT F50 curtain wall system.

Another ALUTECH development that has been applied at the facility is integrated top-hung windows based on ALT F50 system. The advantage of these windows is that they allow to maintain a uniform appearance of the facade both in fixed and opening parts. No clutter of profiles! At the same time, a sash with outward opening does not occupy much space.

It is interesting that the sashes were integrated in the entire facade grid from transom to transom, and their maximum dimensions were of 2575x1006 mm along the axes.

Striving to realize an outwardly perfect architectural object, the developer will also take care to create an ideal environment for people's lives.

Beauty without compromising comfort

Taking into account the climatic conditions in the region (in winter the temperature in Ufa drops to -25°C and lower), the customer made high demands on the thermal performance of the façade system. And ALUTECH ALT F50 profile system complied with these conditions. According to the Protocol of carried out thermophysical tests, the value of the reduced heat transfer resistance is RO = 0.9 m2 C/W.

Installation of energy-efficient infill units, as well as the use in the system of a special foamed PE thermal bridge in the area of glass unit rebate and high quality EPDM-gasket allow to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the apartments even with such an impressive glazed area.

ALT F50 profile system fully complied with high demands of the customer on the thermal performance of the façade system. According to the Protocol of carried out thermophysical tests, the value of the reduced heat transfer resistance is RO = 0.9 m2 C/W.

Only high-quality accessories are used in ALUTECH profile systems — gaskets, metalware, hardware, thermal bridges and distance inserts, which are tested at special facility by the Group of Companies. It allowed to reach an agreement between the developer of aluminium profile systems AluminTechno JLLC and the customer Selena LLC, which is a part of Pervyj Trest Group of Companies, on a system guarantee to preserve for 10 years the quality characteristics of the stick-built system elements, windows and doors of Soty Apartments.

Soty is very popular because apart from its excellent location and eye-catching facade, they have a number of undeniable technological advantages. Facades are highly energy-efficient. They are completely made of non-combustible materials that have passed all safety assessment. Panoramic glazing in honeycombs -is with increased noise insulation and high-tech reflective coating.

Timur Gadeev, General Director of
Pervyj Trest

Warranty for durability of quality characteristics of stick-built system elements, windows and doors of Soty Apartments is 10 years..

Thus, Soty Apartments is both an interesting and technically very complex project, which was realized thanks to the coordinated work of all participants in the construction process -from the customer and the architect to the manufacturer of aluminium facade systems and the company that was engaged in their installation.

This object, with its unique and outstanding style, has every chance to become a real sight of Ufa. After all, the architects managed to combine in it the past, present and future of the original capital of Bashkortostan.

By the way, in 2019 Soty entered the top ten business class residential complexes under construction in the regions of Russia, and made it to the final of the prestigious Urban Awards..

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